То самое чувство когда Нэд Лоу справедливее всех политиков что я знал.
No married man be forced to join their company
Prisoners were not to be killed in cold blood
No one to talk in secret with prisoners
Ships of England were not to be taken (unless fate decreed otherwise, and they captured one in innocence)
No boats were to be sent between ships after 8PM until morning light
That if any of the Company shall advise, or speak any thing tending to the separating or breaking of the Company, or shall by any Means offer or endeavour to desert or quit the Company, that person shall be shot to Death by the Quarter Master's Order, without the sentence of a Court Martial.
A copy of his articles printed on 8th Aug 1723 listed
The captain is to have two full shares, the master is to have one share and a half, the doctor, mate, gunner and botswaine, one share and a quarter.
He that shall be found guilty of taking up any unlawful weapon on board the privateer or any other prize by us taken, so as to strike or abuse one another in any regard, shall suffer what punishment the captain and majority of the company shall see fit.
He that shall eb found guilty of cowardice in the time of engagements, shall suffer what punishment the captain and majority of the company shall think fit.
If any gold, jewels, silver etc be found on board any prize or prizes to the valu eof a piece of eight, and the finder does not deliver it unto the quarter master in the space of 24 hours, she shall suffer what punishment the captain and majority of the company shall think fit.
He that is found guilty of gaming, or defrauding one anotehr to the value of a royal plate, shall suffer what punishment the captain and majority of the company shall think fit.
He that shall have the misfortune to loose a limb in time of engagement shall have the sum of 600 pieces of eight, and remain aboard as long as he sees fit
Good quarters to be given when craved
He that sees a sail first shall have the best pistol or small arm aboard her
He that shall be guilty of drunkenness in time of engagement shall suffer what punishment the captain and company shall think fit
No snapping of guns in the hold