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Пиздос , и в чём отличие амеров от пидорашек?

So Bradley Manning is free. Thanks Obama for letting a traitor to the U.S go. No wonder the left acts like traitors today.

Bradley is not a female. Wishful thinking does not make you a woman. Bradley is a traitor as he stole and released classified information.

Most of the people celebrating Bradley Manning are the same ones accusing Trump of colluding with the Russians lol

His name is Bradley Manning and he is a man.

We shouldn't refer to Bradley Manning as a "she". He is a traitor in drag.

Half-truthers (governement operatives shill list), feel free to add: Noam Chomsky, Julian Assange, Bradley Manning (I refuse to use Chelsea)

If wiki leaks is suddenly an agent of Russian intelligence, what then is Bradley Manning?